Well, there is an Autumn feel in the air around here and I am afraid the heating is being switched on much more regularly. That being said it’s great that we can now get out and about a bit more and I do love it when the leaves change colour.
I will be running another workshop at the beautiful Whalton Manor at the beginning of November. I am sure it will have changed a lot since my last visit in the summer when we were “pounding flowers”. This time we will be using some fabric manipulation and basic embroidery stitches to decorate little boxes (is it too early to mention the “C” word?). Full details and bookings can be made via eventbright.co.uk https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/manipulated-knotted-tickets-179233902427
If you live in or near Newcastle, you might be interested in a Open Day for Newcastle Embroidery &Textile Art (newly formed group previously Newcastle Embroiderers Guild). Saturday 16th October 1pm – 4pm at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Church Hall. 3 Station Road, Benton, NE12 9NQ https://www.newcastleembroideryandtextileart.com/
Other places you can see me in the next couple of months....
17th Bamburgh Autumn Arts Fair
24th Winter Arts Fair Whalton Village
29th & 30th Designer Markers Market – Tennants , Leyburn
2nd Whalton Manor – Manipulated and Knotted Workshop
13th -until 8th Jan 2022 Exhibition with Fusion Textile Artists at Gateshead Central Library.
14th Made Up North Winter Market
20th & 21ST Craft in the Pen – Skipton
26th -28th Brancepeth Castle – Christmas Craft Fair
And as it is getting closer to Christmas …..(arhhhh! – there I said it), if you can’t make it to on of the above events and would like to buy a special hand-crafted gift or yourself or a loved one I do have a selection of things available on my Etsy Shop or contact me directly if you have a special requests.
Best wishes and here’s to those cosy autumn evenings – Deb x